Origin of poker playing is exceptionally Debated; however recent excavations lend a helping hand to the uncertainty about its infancy. Cards in Egypt have been found belonging to the late 12th century, while the other school of thought credits India into the property where poker originated. There are additional pieces of evidence that indicate that poker may not have originated in Egypt or India but in the western world.Records maintained since early days in the American Civilization demonstrate that poker was a much favoured game with all the top class citizens. Legend has it that the game started in New Orleans and spread all the way to Ohio and Mississippi. It was further popularised when extensive rail networks started to grow throughout the land. The game underwent several alterations to be called by nicknames such as stud, straight and draw poker that gained fame during the time of the Civil War.
In Europe, the passing of poker has been marked as the year the wild Card concept has been introduced. An instance of the wild card was the Joker card and it resulted in additional modification of this poker game. Court judgment in Nevada declared games between gambling as illegal and gamblers could be detained for getting involved in these acts. California however favoured this game, and gave it legitimate reasons to play the sport. Draw poker has been favoured because, the participant’s ability mattered most and the legislation that prevented gaming anywhere within the country were helpless against it. Stud poker wasn’t that favoured because of its dependence on chance of the player over his ability. For this reason, draw poker became the nation’s favourite game and Nevada went along with the tide, cancelling the legislation that prohibited the game. It went so far as to legalise gambling in casinos.
From these pieces of evidence that it can be inferred that the poker Game has stood the test of time and remains the people’s favourite. Even though it is a highly modified form that is being played now, it is historically rich, using its own set of puzzles and stories.During its formative years, just the upper-class guys played Poker mainly due to the affordability and setting the large stakesand you can obtain more help from The commoner was a mere witness to it and the situation was worse when you had just started playing. Someone who wished to play poker needed to have a bundle of money on his person, in addition to a technical understanding of the game. Even if their odds of winning are nil, they must keep a straight face so that they might not give themselves out to the competition.